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Course Announcements

« PHYS322 Fall 2013

Optics project for extra credit

Thu 31Oct2013 9:14PM

The project consists of individual study of a Modern Optics topic of your choice, preparation of a Power-point summary, and an oral in-class presentation to be given during the last few weeks of classes. The projects will be graded on a per-effort basis, i.e. based on how much you have learned, how far and deep you have gone beyond the textbook, etc. Each student coming to the presentations will get a chance to score the other students’ projects.


Points available: 80 points total (up to 30 points for document preparation, and up to 50 points for in-class presentation)


What you need to do:

Choose a Modern Optics topic, or sub-topic from the list below or other topics of interest to you.

Inform the instructor via email of your plan to prepare a project as soon as possible, but no later than November 11.

Obtain approval of your topic from the instructor and a tentative date of the presentation.

Prepare and submit your project electronically to

Present your project in class and answer questions from the audience (max. 12 min. presentation, including questions period).


The following is a short list of possible Modern Optics topics. You can pick any sub-topic from each general topic and be as specific as you want. You can also pick an Optics topic covered earlier in the semester and examine it at an advanced level. Think about what yourself and your audience would like to hear about.

Lasers, Holography, Nonlinear optics, Ultrafast optics, Photonic crystals and metamaterials,

Optics for X-rays, Optics of tomography or other medical imaging ….

Exam 2 and Review 2 session

Wed 23Oct2013 9:00AM

Exam 2: Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013, in class

Closed book exam, Material covered: Hecht Ch. 2-9.4.1 (including material covered in lecture 25)

Bring ID,  formula sheet (1 letter-size piece of paper, both sides), scientific calculator, pen/pencil


Review Quiz 2 on Monday, Oct. 28, 2013, in class

Turn in the Quiz at the end of class for extra credit (up to 50 points).

Open book quiz. Bring formula sheet, scientific calculator, book, notes, etc.


Quiz and homework solutions

Mon 16Sep2013 10:26PM

The solutions for the Review Quiz 1 and homework 3 are now posted in the Homework solutions folder.

Exam 1 and Review session

Tue 10Sep2013 1:27PM

Exam 1: Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2013, in class
Closed book exam. Material covered: Hecht Ch. 2-4.9
Bring ID,  formula sheet (1 letter-size piece of paper, one side), scientific calculator, pen/pencil

Review Quiz: Monday, Sept. 16, 2013, in class
Turn in the Quiz at the end of class for extra credit (up to 50 points).
Open book quiz. Bring formula sheet, scientific calculator, book, notes, etc.

Office hours


Thu 05Sep2013 10:49AM

Yongjin Park: Thursdays 5:00-7:00 pm, PHYS 31

Oana Malis: by appointment in PHYS 170

Last Updated: May 9, 2023 8:31 AM

Department of Physics and Astronomy, 525 Northwestern Avenue, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2036 • Phone: (765) 494-3000 • Fax: (765) 494-0706

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