Yuli Lyanda-Geller's Selected Publications
E.L. Ivchenko, Y.B. Lyanda-Geller and G.E. Pikus Photocurrent in structures with quantum wells with an optical orientation of free carriers. JETP LETTERS 50 175 1989
A.G. Aronov and Y.B. Lyanda-Geller Nuclear electric resonance and orientation of carrier spins by an electric field JETP LETTERS 50 431 1989
A.G. Aronov and Y.B. Lyanda-Geller Mesoscopic spin polarization and nuclear electric resonance JETP LETTERS 52 10 1990
I.L. Aleiner and Y.B. Lyanda-Geller Conductance and electron spin polarization in resonant tunneling JETP LETTERS 53 91 1991
E.L. Ivchenko, Y.B. Lyanda-Geller and G.E. Pikus Electric current of optically polarized and thermalized carriers JETP 71 550 1990
A.G Aronov, Y.B. Lyanda-Geller and G.E. Pikus The spin polarization of electrons due to electric current JETP 73 537 1991
A.G. Aronov and Y.B. Lyanda-Geller Spin-Orbit Berry's Phase in Conducting Rings Phys. Lev. Lett., 70 343 1993
Y.B. Lyanda-Geller Topological Transitions in Berry's phase interference effects Phys. Rev. Lett. 71 657 1993
Y. B. Lyanda-Geller and A.D. Mirlin A novel class of random matrices: partially broken spin rotation invariance Phys. Rev. Lett 72 1894 1994
S.V. Iordanskii, Y. B. Lyanda-Geller and G.E. Pikus Weak localization in Quantum Wells with spin-Orbit interactions JETP LETTERS 60 206 1994
Knap W, Skierbiszewski C, Zduniak A, et al. Weak antilocalization and spin precession in quantum wells Phys. Rev B 53 3912 1996
Y. Lyanda-Geller, P.M. Goldbart and D. Loss Quantization of superflow circulation and magnetic flux with a tunable offset Phys. Rev B 53 12395 1996
E.J. Mueller, P.M. Goldbart and Y. Lyanda-Geller Multiply connected Bose-Einstein-condensed alkali-metal gases: Current-carrying states and their decay Phys. Rev A 57 R1505 1998
Y. Lyanda-Geller Quantum interference and electron-electron interactions at strong spin-orbit coupling in disordered systems, Phys. Rev. Lett 80 4273 1998
D.P. Arovas and Y. Lyanda-Geller Non-Abelian geometric phases and conductance of spin-3/2 holes Phys Rev B 57 12302 1998
Y. Lyanda-Geller I.L Aleiner and P.M Goldbart Domain walls and conductivity of mesoscopic ferromagnets Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 3215 1998
S.H Chun, M.B. Salamon, Y. Lyanda-Geller et al. Magnetotransport in manganites and the role of quantal phases: Theory and experiment, Phys. Pev. Lett. 84 757 2000
Lyanda-Geller Y, Chun SH, Salamon MB, et al. Charge transport in manganites: Hopping conduction, the anomalous Hall effect, and universal scaling Phys. Rev. B 63 Art. No. 184426 2001
L.M. Woods, T.L. Reinecke, Y. Lyanda-Geller, Spin relaxation in quantum dots Phys. Rev. B 161318 (R) (2002)
Y.B. Lyanda-Geller, I.L Aleiner and B.L. Altshuler Coulomb "blockade" of nuclear spin relaxation in quantum dots Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 Art. No. 107602 2002
Miller JB, Zumbuhl DM, Marcus CM, et al. Gate-controlled spin-orbit quantum interference effects in lateral transport Phys. Rev. Lett 90 Art. No. 076807 2003
Yang MJ, Yang CH, Lyanda-Geller YB Quantum beating in ring conductance: Observation of spin chiral states and Berry's phase, Europhys. Lett., 66 826 2004
L.P. Rokhinson, V. Larkina, Y.B. Lyanda-Geller et al Spin separation in cyclotron motion Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 Art no: 146601 2004
G. Ortner, M. Bayer, Y. Lyanda-Geller et al, Control of vertically coupled InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots with electric fields. Phys. Rev. Lett, 94, 157401 (2005)
G. Ramon, Y. Lyanda-Geller, T.L Reinecke and L.J. Sham, Indirect coupling between spins in semiconductor quantum dots. Phys. Rev B. 75, 121305 (R) (2005)
M.E. Ware, E.A. Stinaff, D, Gammon et al, Polarized fine structure in the photoluminescence excitation spectrum of a negatively charged quantum dot. Phys. Rev. Lett 95, 177403 (2005).
G.M. Jones, B.H. Hu, C.H. Yang, M.J. Yang and Y.B. Lyanda-Geller, Observation of one-electron charge in an enhancement-mode InAs single-electron transistor at 4.2 K, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 192102 (2006).
L.P. Rokhinson, Y. Lyanda-Geller, Z. Ge et al. Weak localization in Ga1-xMnxAs: Evidence of impurity band transport Phys. Rev. B 76 161201 (R) (2007).
G. Bacher, M.K. Welch, A Forchel, Y. Lyanda-Geller et al, Tunable quantum coupling in a II-VI quantum dot molecule. J. Appl. Phys. 103, 113520 (2008).
A. Chernyshov, M. Overby, X. Liu Y.Furdyna. Y. Lyanda-Geller and L.P. Rokhinson, Evidence for reversible control of magnetization in a ferromagnetic material by means of spin-orbit magnetic field. Nature Physics, 5, 656 (2009)
S. Koduvayur, Y. Lyanda-Geller, S. Khlebnikov, G. Scathy, M. Manfra, L. Pfeiffer, K. West, and L.P. Rokhinson, “Effect of Strain on Stripe Phases in the Quantum Hall Regime”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 106, 016804 (2011).
Y.B. Lyanda-Geller, T.L. Reinecke, and G. Bacher, “Electric field spin manipulation in quantum dots coupled to semimagnetic quantum dots”, Journ. of Appl. Phys, 111, 093705 (2012)
G.E. Simion and Y. Lyanda-Geller, “Magnetic Field Spectral Crossings of Luttinger Holes in Quantum Wells”, Phys. Rev. B, 90, 195410 (2014).
A. Tylan-Tyler and Y. Lyanda-Geller, “Phase Diagram and Edge States of the $\nu=5/2$ Fractional Quantum Hall State with Landau Level Mixing and Finite Well Thickness”, Phys. Rev. B, 91, 205404 (2015).
Y.B. Lyanda-Geller, S. Li, and A.V. Andreev, “Polarization-Dependent Photocurrents in Polar Stack of van der Waals Solids”, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communications) 92, 241406 (2015).
A. Kazakov, G. Simion, Y. Lyanda-Geller, V. Kolkovsky, Z. Adamkus, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz, and L.P. Rokhinson, “Electrostatic Control of Quantum Hall Ferromagnetic Transition: A Step toward Reconfigurable Network of Helical Channels”, Phys. Rev. B, 94, 075309 (2016).
A. Tylan-Tyler and Y. Lyanda-Geller, “In-plane Electric Fields and the ν=5/2 Fractional Quantum Hall Effect in Disc Geometry”,Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communications), 95 121302 (2017).
J. Liang and Y. Lyanda-Geller, “Charge Carrier Holes and Majorana Fermions”, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communications 95, 201404 (2017).
G. Simion and Y. Lyanda-Geller, “Non-Abelian ν=12 Quantum Hall State in Γ 8 Valence Band Hole Liquid”, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communications), 95, 161111 (2017)
A. Kazakov, G. Simion, Y Lyanda-Geller, V. Kolkovsky, Z. Adamkus, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz, and L.P. Rokhinson, “Mesoscopic Transport in Electrostatically-Defined Spin-full Channels in Quantum Hall Ferromagnets”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 119, 046803 (2017)
G. Simion, T-G. Lin, J. D. Watson, M. J. Manfra, G. A. Csathy, L. P. Rokhinson, and Y. Lyanda-Geller, “Theory of Topological Excitations and Metal-Insulator Transitions in Reentrant Integer Quantum Hall Effect”, ArXiv: 1705:05233.
G. Simion, A. Kazakov, T. Wojtowicz, L.P. Rokhinson, and Y Lyanda-Geller. “Disorder-Generated Non-Abelions”, Phys. Rev. B 97, 245107 (2018)
T. Wu, A. Kazakov, G. Simion, Z. Wan, J. Liang, K. West, K. Baldwin, L. N. Pfeiffer, Y. Lyanda-Geller, and L. P. Rokhinson, Formation of helical domain walls in the fractional quantum Hall regime as a step toward realization of high-order non-Abelian excitations, Phys. Rev. B 97, 245304 (2018)
K.A. Schreiber, N. Samkharadze, G.C. Gardner,Y. Lyanda-Geller, M.J. Manfra, L.N. Pfeiffer, K.W. West, and G.A. Csathy, Universality of the Paired-to-Nematic Quantum Phase Transition in the Two-Dimensional Electron Gas, Nature Communications, 9 (2018).