Leonid Rokhinson
NOTE: E-mail addresses end with @purdue.edu

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Courtesy Appointment)
Lab: Physics B47 Telephone: (765) 494-5513
Research Group Website
B.S., 1990 St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University (Russia)
Ph.D., 1996 State University of New York at Stony Brook
- Electron transport in mesoscopic systems
- Spintronics and spin interactions
- Magnetic materials and devices
- Quantum information processing
- Topologically non-trivial states of matter
- Nanofabrication
- Novel materials and devices
NSF CAREER Award, 2004
Professional Experience- Research Staff, Princeton University, 1999-2002
- Postdoctoral Research Associate, Princeton University, 1996-1999
- L. P. Rokhinson, X. Liu, J. K. Furdyna, "Observation of the fractional ac Josephson effect: the signature of Majorana particles", arXiv:1204.4212
- Sunanda P. Koduvayur, Yuli Lyanda-Geller, Sergei Khlebnikov, Gabor Csathy, Michael J. Manfra, Loren N. Pfeiffer, Kenneth W. West, and Leonid P. Rokhinson, "Effect of strain on stripe phases in the Quantum Hall regime", Physical Review Letters 106, 016804 (2011)
- A. Chernyshov, M. Overby, X. Liu, J.K. Furdyna, Y. Lyanda-Geller and L.P. Rokhinson, "Evidence for reversible control of magnetization in a ferromagnetic material by means of spin-orbit magnetic field", Nature Physics 5, 656 - 659 (2009)
- L.P. Rokhinson, L.N. Pfeiffer and K.W. West,"Spontaneous spin polarization in quantum point contacts", , Physicsl Review Letters 96, 156602 (2006)
- L.P. Rokhinson, V. Larkina, Y.B. Lyanda-Geller, L.N. Pfeiffer and K.W. West,"Spin separation in cyclotron motion", Physicsl Review Letters 93, 146601 (2004)
Last Updated: Jul 25, 2023 9:48 AM