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Sloan-PReMiSS: Partnering in Research Mentoring for Minoritized Students in STEM

Through a grant awarded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, a partnership is formed between Chicago State University and Purdue University, aimed at driving systemic change at both institutions. Objectives are:

  1. To reduce barriers toward graduate education for UGs historically excluded and minoritized in STEM fields, building science identity and a sense of belonging in STEM research early on in their academic path.
  2. To drive systemic change at both CSU and Purdue through an authentic partnership and the development of a joint mentoring and training program that will equip faculty and students with increased cultural competencies.
  3. To widely disseminate a model where partner institutions learn from each other and work jointly to spur innovation.

The Sloan-PReMiSS program began in 2023. Yulia Pushkar is a Sloan-PReMiSS fellow and the department’s representative.

The program is directed towards undergrads and plans to match up grad and faculty mentors from Purdue to students at CSU for general mentorship and for REU-like but shorter-term research opportunities during summers.


Last Updated: Jan 16, 2025 3:38 PM

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