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The Albert W. Overhauser Symposium - October 21st, 1995

In honor of the 70th birthday of A. W. Overhauser


Purdue University

Saturday, October 21, 1995
Class of 1950 Lecture Hall


On Saturday, 21 October, 1995, friends and colleagues of Albert W. Overhauser, Stuart Distinguished Professor of Physics at Purdue, gathered to participate in a symposium in honor of his 70th birthday.

The even also served as a celebration for Al's being awarded in 1994 a National Medal of Science.

The sterling talks at the symposium and the remarks at the evening banquet greatly reinforced my own appreciation of Al's magnificent scientific career and his many fundamental contributions to condensed matter physics

This pamphlet is intended to serve as a pleasant memento for those who attended the symposium

I am happy to report that Al is continuing to do what he has done so well for so many years, namely working enthusiastically with his students and colleagues to deepen our understanding of the subtle nature of matter

Arnold Tubis
Head, Department of Physics
March 7, 1997


8:00pm: Registration, informal gathering, Anniversary Drawing Room, Purdue Memorial Union (until 10:00pm) 

SATURDAY, October 21

8:45am : Registration, Class of 1950 Lecture Hall foyer

Morning Session Chairman: G. F. Giuliani

9:00am : L. M. Proenza, Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School, Welcoming Remarks

9:05am: A. Tubis, Head, Department of Physics, Introductory Remarks

9:15am : R. Colella, Purdue University, Opening of the Symposium

9:30am : F. Seitz, Rockefeller University "The Formative Years"

10:00am : C. P. Slichter, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, "The Verification of the Overhauser Effect"

10:30am : Coffee Break

11:00am: V. L. Telegdi, CERN, "NMR with Spinless Nuclei"

11:30am: S. A. Werner, University of Missouri, Columbia, "Gravitational, Rotational and Topological Phase Shifts in Neutron Interferometry"


Al Overhauser when he joined the Physics

12:00pm Lunch, South Ballroom, Purdue Memorial Union Afternoon Session Chairman: R. Colella

1:30pm: D. R. Hamann, AT&T, "New Directions in Materials Theory: Adaptive Coordinates and Gradient Corrections"

2:00pm: J. J. Hopfield, California Institute of Technology "Spins in Biological Computation -- A History"

2:30pm: M. S. Dresselhaus, MIT, "Recent Advances in Related Carbon Nanotubes"

3:00pm: Coffee Break

3:30pm : G. F. Dresselhaus, MIT, "Application of Symmetry Concepts to Excitonic Effects in Fullerenes"

4:00pm: J. J. Quinn, University of Tennessee, "Composite Fermion Excitations in Fractional Quantum Hall Systems"

4:30pm: H. Fritzsche, University of Chicago, "Puzzling Interaction of Light with Matter"

Seminar Sessions End clinton

Al Overhauser (here with President Clinton and the President Emeritus of the National Academy of
Sciences Frank Press) was a recipient of the 1994 National Medal of Science. The citation read:
For his fundamental contributions to understanding the physics of solids, to theoretical physics, and for the
impact of his technological advances.

Evening Program

5:00pm: Departure for the Lafayette Country Club

5:30pm: Social Hour

6:30pm : Dinner

8:00pm : A. S. Arrott, Simon Fraser University, After Dinner Address

9:00pm: A. W. Overhauser, Concluding Remarks

Speakers Anthony S. Arrott

Medal of Achievement, bestowed by the Canadian Association of Physicists (1986). Gold Medal for Physical Sciences, bestowed by the Science Council of British Columbia (1982). Ph.D. from the Carnegie Institute of Technology (1954). Cooperative phenomena in condensed matter, micromagnetism and critical phenomena, engineering magnetic materials. Professor Emeritus, Physics Department, Simon Fraser University. Author of more than 200 publications.

Gene F. Dresselhaus

Ph.D. in Physics from the University of California, Berkeley (1955). Electron properties and electronic band structure of semiconductors and semimetals. Fellow of the American Physical Society. Senior Scientist of the Francis Bitter National Magnet Laboratory at MIT. Group leader (with M. S. Dresselhaus) at the Center for Materials Science and Engineering for studies on materials such as fullerenes, carbon fibers, carbon nanotubes, and graphite intercalation compounds.

Mildred L. Dresselhaus

National Medal of Science and 12 honorary doctorates. Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. Experimental Solid State Physics, carbon related materials, fullerenes, carbon nanotubes. Former President of the American Physical Society. Member of the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering. Institute Professor at MIT (1985). Coauthor of two books on carbon science.

Hellmut Fritzsche

Oliver E. Buckley Prize (1989). Honorary Degrees from Purdue (1988), Nanjing University and Beijing University. Ph.D. from Purdue (1954). Semiconductor physics. Held positions at Purdue (until 1957) and the University of Chicago, Physics Department (1957 -- present), Department Chairman (1977--86).

Donald R. Hamann

Davisson-Germer Prize of the American Physical Society (1979). Ph.D. from MIT. Electron states at surfaces, computational materials physics. Head of the Surface Physics Research Department at AT&T Bell Laboratories. Former member of the Executive Committee of the Division of Condensed Matter Physics of the American Physical Society (1982-84), General Chairman of the Physical Electronics Conference (1988-92).

John J. Hopfield

Oliver E. Buckley Prize (1969); Biophysics Prize (1985). Ph.D. in Physics from Cornell Univ. (1958). Bell Labs. Molecular Biophysics Group. Faculty Member at University of California, Berkeley (1961-64) and at Princeton University (1964-80). Function and structure of macromolecules. Neurobiology. Neural networks. Member of the National Academy of Sciences. Roscoe G. Dickinson Professor at the California Institute of Technology (1980-present).

John J. Quinn

Willis Lincoln Chair of Excellence, University of Tennessee, (1992). Honorary Ph.D. Degree, Purdue University (1992). Ford Foundation Chair in Physics, Brown University (1985-89). Ph.D. from the University of Maryland (1958). Properties of the electron gas, semiconductor physics, quantum Hall effect. Member of the Oliver E. Buckley Prize Committee (1984) and of the George Pake Prize Committee (1986-88). Former president of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Coauthor of the book: "Artificially Structured Materials", (National Academic Press, 1985).

Frederick Seitz

Franklin Medal (1965), Compton Medal (1970), National Medal of Science (1973). Ph.D. from Princeton in 1934. Solid State Theory. University of Pennsylvania, Carnegie Institute of Technology, University of Illinois (Department Chairman), President of the National Academy of Sciences, Rockefeller University (President). Author of the classic book: "Modern Theory of Solids" (1940) and founding editor of the annual series: "Solid State Physics".

Charles P. Slichter

Langmuir Prize from the American Physical Society (1969). Comstock Prize, from the National Academy of Sciences (1993). Honorary Ph.D. degree, from the University of Waterloo (1993). Ph.D. from Harvard (1949). Nuclear magnetic resonance, applications to understanding dynamical and structural properties of matter, first experimental observation of the Overhauser effect. Former vice chairman of the President's Scientific Advisory Committee (1969). Member of the National Academy of Sciences (1967). Professor of Physics at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (1955-present). Author of the classic book: "Principles of Magnetic Resonance" (1978).

Valentino L. Telegdi

Wolf Prize in Physics (shared with M. Goldhaber). Ph.D. from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH, Zurich) 1950. Muon physics, parity violation in the pi-mu decay chain, weak interactions. Member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. Former "Enrico Fermi Distinguished Service Professor" at the University of Chicago. Presently, Professor Emeritus at ETH, Zurich. Physicist at Caltech and CERN.

Samuel A. Werner

President's Award for Excellence in Research, University of Missouri (1983). Honorable Mention for 1980 Gravity Research Foundation Prize. Outstanding Alumni Award, Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of Michigan (1980). Ph.D. from the University of Michigan (1965). Neutron scattering, magnetism, charge and spin density waves, neutron interferometry and neutron optics. President of the Neutron Scattering Society of America (1993-present). Author of more than 120 publications.

Last Updated: Apr 29, 2016 9:50 AM

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