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Commands to Access Local Data



Starting in 2023 the CMS Tier-2 at Purdue uses EOS as a local distributed filesystem for storing users' and experiment's data.

The local Distributed Filesystems (DFS) is intended and optimized for storing large (ROOT) datafiles, and not for small text files (e.g. source code). XRootD protocol should be the main access method, using the gfal-* and xrd* commands described below.

Accessing data via xrootd

Data in DFS can be read from 'eos.cms.rcac.purdue.edu' with a valid grid certificate.
xrdcp root://eos.cms.rcac.purdue.edu//store/path/to/file.root  /path/to/my.root 

Accessing data inside ROOT

Use the following methods to load files in ROOT.

Open a single file in ROOT

root [0] TFile* f = TFile::Open("root://eos.cms.rcac.purdue.edu//store/group/ewk/DY/May10ReReco/ntuple_skim_9_6_ZgF.root");

Open multiple files in ROOT

Create text file in the directory you are going to start ROOT, call it "xrootdfiles.txt". Populate xrootdfiles.txt with the files you would like to open.
Add the files to a TFileCollection object in ROOT:
root [0] TFileCollection* c1 = new TFileCollection("data","data");
root [1] c1->AddFromFile("xrootdfiles.txt");
root [2] c1->Print("L");
TFileCollection data - data contains: 3 files with a size of 0 bytes, 
0.0 % staged - default tree name: '(null)'

Accessing data using gfal tools

Data at the Purdue Tier-2 can be accessed from 'eos.cms.rcac.purdue.edu' with a valid grid certificate.

Warning: gfal commands cannot be used after running cmsenv command inside a CMSSW release. In order to "unload" cmsenv, you need to reset the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Here is an example how it can be implemented:
# save the original path into a new environment variable

# run your work that requires cmsenv
# ...

# reset the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable

Creating a directory in EOS

In the following commands <username> stands for your CERN lxplus ID.

gfal-mkdir davs://eos.cms.rcac.purdue.edu:9000/store/user/<username>/<directoryname>

Delete a directory and all its contents in EOS (be careful!)

gfal-rm -r davs://eos.cms.rcac.purdue.edu:9000/store/user/<username>/<directoryname>

Copy data from local to EOS

gfal-copy file:////tmp/test.root davs://eos.cms.rcac.purdue.edu:9000/store/user/<username>/test.root

Delete data from EOS

gfal-rm davs://eos.cms.rcac.purdue.edu:9000/store/user/<username>/test.root

List EOS data directory

gfal-ls davs://eos.cms.rcac.purdue.edu:9000/store/user/<username>

Renaming a folder in EOS

gfal-rename davs://eos.cms.rcac.purdue.edu:9000/store/user/<username>/folder1 davs://eos.cms.rcac.purdue.edu:9000/store/user/<username>/folder2

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