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Winter 2024

Keep up with what’s happening at Purdue physics and astronomy!

The Department of Physics and Astronomy is constantly pushing the limits of the world’s collective knowledge of our physical world. We persistently pursue the next giant leap in our sciences and explore avenues of outreach. Below is a sampling of the ways you can keep up with what is happening in the department. Boiler up!


Departmental Social Media:
Twitter/X: @PurduePhysAstro
Threads: @purduephysastro
Instagram: @purduephysastro
Facebook: Purdue Physics and Astronomy
LinkedIn: Purdue Physics and Astronomy

Galileo Unbound:
This blog is an ongoing series by Professor David Nolte, the Edward M. Purcell Distinguished Professor of Physics and Astronomy. He discusses all things physics and takes you on a roller coaster ride into the history of our sciences. You can also keep up with Galileo Unbound on the YouTube page.

The Astrophysics Podcast:
Once a month, Purdue University’s Professor Paul Duffell discusses astronomy and astrophysics with experts from around the world on The Astrophysics Podcast. Duffell and guests discuss supernovae, galaxies, planet formation, black holes, and the nature of space and time.

The Quantum Age:
As host of The Quantum Age, Professor Erica Carlson takes you through the ins, outs, ups and downs of the quantum world. Using everyday objects and creative analogies, she makes quantum materials exciting and easy to understand. In addition to her stunning website, you may find The Quantum Age on Dr. Carlson’s YouTube page.

Purdue Physics and Astronomy
K-12 Outreach:
Physics and Astronomy Outreach is ran by Dr. David Sederberg. It has many programs but also makes Classroom Calls, providing resources and expertise for the K-12 classroom teachers. Whether he is providing a “Scientist on Site” for a classroom talk and demonstration, support for lesson design and implementation, or work with teachers to provide a novel learning experience, Physics and Astronomy Outreach is eager to spread our enthusiasm for learning science. Keep up with the latest on K-12 outreach on the outreach website, the YouTube page, or on Twitter/X.