
When making travel plans, keep in mind that Purdue University is in the Eastern Time Zone.
We encourage coordination amongst students from same institution to minimize travel costs.
You are required to get prior approval before purchasing airline tickets.
Buses will be provided for transportation from the hotel to the Conference site in the Physics building at Purdue University.

Map of Conference Site and Hotel in Google Maps

Driving Directions to the hotel
Hotel address:
Holiday Inn Lafayette City Center
515 South St., Lafayette, IN

The parking spaces in the Grant Street Visitor Parking Garage by the Union Club Hotel or the Northwestern Parking Garage by the Physics Building and the Visitor Center are free and open to the public after 5:00pm on Friday and all weekend unless otherwise marked.

Maps of Purdue University, West Lafayette and Indiana
Campus Map:


By Plane:
Indianapolis International Airport (code: IND) is the best choice and is served by many airlines.  The airport is approximately 70 miles southeast from Purdue.  For a map, please see the driving directions below.
Chicago O'Hare International Airport (code: ORD) is approximately 125 miles north of Purdue and in the Central Time Zone (one hour behind Purdue). For a map, please see the driving directions below.  It is approximately a 3 hour drive from the airport to Purdue, which with the timezone change of one hour ahead means an arrival at Purdue 4 hours later by the clock
Rental Car Information:
At Indianapolis International Airport: click on this link
At Chicago O'Hare International Airport: click on this link
Driving Directions from Airports:
From Indianapolis: Google Maps
From Chicago: Google Maps

Local Weather: National Weather Service
Shuttle Service between Indianapolis Airport & Lafayette/West Lafayette
Lafayette Limo
Star of America
Shuttle from Chicago O'Hare Airport
Express Air Coach
Purdue University Travel/Lodging Brochure
Lafayette Visitors Bureau