PHYSICS 271L Experiment 3

[ Electrical Resistance | Voltage Divider ]

II. Theory and Use of a Voltage Divider

[ theory | procedure]

Theory: In many instances direct change of the output voltage from a power supply is not practical (as when many experiments are being powered by the same source) or possible (as when batteries are used). Thus a device is needed which will produce a range of output voltages from a constant input voltage. The following material discusses the theory of one such device, the "voltage divider".

Suppose a resistance wire of total resistance R is connected between the terminals of a power source as shown in Fig. 1. Then the constant potential Vo causes a constant current I through R where . Suppose also, for simplicity, that the wire is uniform, i.e., that the resistance per unit length is a constant, . Then the resistance of a portion of wire of length x is

..... (1)

But the current through the circuit is a constant, so the voltage drop across a length x, Vxis


In words, the voltage drop across a portion of wire of length x is equal to the voltage drop Votimes the ratio of x to the total length L.
Since x can be varied from 0 to L it can easily be seen that Vxgoes from 0 to Vo. In practice x is almost always measured starting from one end of the resistance wire as shown in Fig. 1

Although the formula for Vx as a function of x is strictly valid only for a wire whose resistance per unit length, , is constant, it is easy to see that qualitatively Vx depends directly on x even if is not constant. In any case Vx may be varied from 0 to Vo.

It is also possible to construct a voltage divider from fixed resistors if the objective is simply to obtain some constant potential Vc which is less then Vo . In this case the voltage divider would be as shown in Fig. 2.

R1 and R2 are fixed resistors and are chosen so that

..... (3)

(Derive this equation, starting with the fact that the current through R1 + R2 is given by


Note that if the divider is used to supply current to an exterior circuit, these simple relations for Vx or Vc do not hold. The potential supplied will then depend on the resistance of the exterior circuit (load).

In our experiments a 33 slide-wire resistor is frequently used as a voltage divider. Fig. 3 shows pictorially and schematically the corresponding elements of the voltage divider.

Figure 3

[to go back to theory theory ]

Procedure: For parts (a) through (e) you will choose and assemble the appropriate circuit on the basis for our previous discussion. By adjusting the sliding contact on the 33 slide-wire resistor you can vary V and I. Take at least four pairs of (V,I) data for each resistance you measure, more for those which are non-ohmic. Then graph V vs. I, including estimated error bars, for each resistance. The experiment is not complete until you have graphed the data.

(a) Select any two resistances on the resistance board and take V and I data for each one individually. Since they are ohmic R = the slope of the V vs. I graph (Prove). Use this to calculate R.

(b) Combine these two resistances in parallel and determine the resulting R as in (a). Compare with the value obtained from .

(c) Combine the two resistors in series and determine the resulting R as in (a). Compare with .
(d) Replace the resistance board by the diode and the fan-type ammeter by the multimeter. Start with the multimeter range set to 500 ma. If you cannot get a measurable current on that scale work your way down to more sensitive scales. Do not exceed 50 ma of current through the diode! Record your results. Then reverse connections to the diode and repeat the measurements. Graph the results of both set-ups on one graph, arbitrarily associating -I and -V with one diode direction and +I and +V with the other.

(e) Replace the diode by the light bulb. Measure V and I from V = 0 to V = 12V. Plot the log of the power dissipated
(P = VI) vs the log of the resistance R of the bulb. Can you deduce a formula expressing the relationship between P and R from this plot?

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