Quantum Matter and Devices Lab ยป
Some recent invited talks at conferences (Yong Chen):
- Japan Society of Applied Physics Meeting, Niigata, Japan (09/2016)
- Symposium on Quantum Materials Synthesis (QMS), co-organized by Moore Foundation and Rutgers Univ., New York (08/2016)
- International Conference on High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics, Hokkaido, Japan (07/2016)
- International Workshop on Nanomaterials and Nanodevices, Beijing, China (07/2016)
- NSF Frontiers of Condensed Matter Physics Workshop on Topological Phases of Matter, NSF, Arlington, VA (05/2016)
- C-SPIN Workshop on “Topological Spintronic Devices”, Minnesota (05/2016)
- APS March Meeting, Baltimore (03/2016)
- International workshop on Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Hall Systems (EPQHS-6), Mumbai, India (01/2016)
Some Recent colloquia and seminars (Yong Chen):
- Michigan State University (10/2016)
- University of California at Berkeley (05/2016)
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (04/2016)
- Freie Universität Berlin (02/2016)
- Carnegie-Mellon University (02/2016)
- University of California at Los Angeles (01/2016)
- University of Montreal (01/2016)
- IIT-Bombay (01/2016)