Yong P. Chen Research Group - Quantum Matter and Devices Lab - Purdue University
Quantum Matter and Devices Lab ยป Recommendation Letter

Recommendation Letter

  I am usually happy to write recommendation letters for current/former students if you belong to one of the following cases:  
  • your are working/have worked in my lab (and are in "good standing" or were discharged "honorably")
  • I am/was on your degree committee
  • you (as student of another faculty) collaborated closely with my group (eg. having joint papers etc.)
  • you took a course from me and got a score of at least A-   
  To request a letter from me, please provide me your full CV/resume (including your past acacemic/research achievements) and a brief description of the places/positions you are applying. Other information, such as your research/academic goals may be useful. Please give me at least 3 weeks advance notice for recommendation letter requests before the due dates.