Quantum Matter and Devices Workshop
Weekly e-Workshop organized by Quantum Matter and Devices Lab to have a series of 15+5 min talks on current projects and interesting topics. Main purpose is to get an overview of current projects and interesting topics from literature. Presenters are from QMD group and close collaborators. Participation implies willingness to present. Each talk is 15 min (no extended questions) followed by 5 min discussions (there are no stupid questions and please do not assume too much from both speakers and audience). Audience and speaker can arrange further discussions afterwards.
Currently default time is starting 9am Monday morning (US Eastern Time) in PHYS 72 (Purdue PHYS building). Webex participation available using (https://purdue.webex.com/join/aallcca). "Quantum Materials and Spintronics Lab" Members at AIMR (Tohoku, Japan) may join from AIMR 5F Combination Room via webex.
Schedule of presentations in Fall 2019
[Times are US ET]
Time | Speaker | Title/Topic |
Aug.6, Tuesday, 9-10am (special date this week) |
9-9:20am | Yong | Opening Remarks/List of Projects/Planning Meeting |
9:20-9:40am | Andres |
Project Review: Topological Thermal Transport https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1641101&HistoricalAwards=false |
9:40-10:00am | Chuanhsun |
Journal Club: simulating high Tc superconductors with cold atoms: Rep refs: https://physics.aps.org/articles/v12/76?utm_campaign=weekly&utm_medium=email&utm_source=emailalert https://www.nature.com/articles/nature22362 |
Aug.12, Monday, 9-10am |
9-9:20am | Yong | Opening Remarks/List of Projects/Planning Meeting |
9:20-9:40am | John |
Towards Exploring Unconventional Spin Dynamics in Topological Insulators |
9:40-10:00am | Esat |
Journal Club: Accurate and Robust Unitary Transformations of a High-Dimensional Quantum System https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.240401 |
10:00 am - 10:20 am | Lina | Scientific self-introduction |
Aug.26, Monday, 9-10am |
9-9:20am | Yong | Opening Remarks/List of Projects/Planning Meeting |
9:20-9:40am | Guanghui Cheng | Optoelectronic measurements on topological materials |
9:40-10:00am | Esat |
On the Msquared Ti/Sapphire laser |
10:00 am - 10:20 am | Linlin | Scientific self-introduction |