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PRIME Lab PRIME Lab Department of Physics Physics photos
Accelerator mass spectrometry of 10Be, 14C, 26Al, 36Cl, 41Ca, 129I
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AMS injector beamline

  Cassette, Rod
  and Drive Table

  Rabbit sample

  Cathode assembly
  with immersion lens




  Einzel lens

Ion Optics

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» Ion Source

Ion Optics

Trajectories of Cs+ ions emitted from the ionizer surface and focused onto to target by the potential gradients in the proposed PRIME Lab source.

Trajectories of Cs+ ions emitted from the ionizer surface and focused onto to target by the potential gradients in the proposed PRIME Lab source.

Trajectories of negatively charged m/z 100 ion transported out of the source through the ionizer. 

Trajectories of negatively charged m/z 100 ion transported out of the source through the ionizer.  

Midplane isopotential contours (6600 V applied to the ionizer, 110V spacing between each contour).

PRIME lab ion source

PRIME lab ion source

PRIME Lab ion source with the hole in the immersion lens 25% larger in diameter

PRIME Lab ion source with the hole in the immersion lens 25% larger in diameter

PRIME Lab ion source in b with 600 V applied to the immersion lens

  PRIME Lab ion source in b with 600 V applied to the immersion lens

More Information:

View this PDF: 

Email George Jackson <gjackson@physics.purdue.edu> for Paper:

Ion Source Modeling and Design at PRIME Lab; George S. Jackson, David Elmore, Marc Caffee, Kenneth A. Mueller, Bob De Bonte, Paul Muzikar and Brad Alexander PRIME Lab, Purdue University, 525 Northwestern Avenue, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2036 USA AMS-9 Reference #'s:  O7A-1 and PTPi-2

Purdue Rare Isotope Measurement Laboratory, Purdue University, 525 Northwestern Avenue, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2036
Telephone: (765) 494-5381  Fax: (765) 496-7228

Prof. Marc Caffee, Director  mcaffee@physics.purdue.edu  (765) 494-2586

PRIME Lab is funded by the National Science Foundation.
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