Purdue CMS Tier-2 Center
Home ยป User Information

User Information

Getting Accounts 
Account and authentication information

Purdue Tier-2 Clusters & User Interface Login Options 
How to login to user interface at Purdue Tier-2 ?

Use of GPU resources
Guide to the available GPU resources.

Submitting Jobs
Various methods for submitting jobs to the Purdue computing resources.

Accessing Datasets
How to find datasets, transfer them to Purdue, and access the files in them.

Grid User Guide
A fast recipe for grid users to use Purdue resources.

CMS Tutorials
Handbooks for how to run CMSSW jobs.

Standalone ROOT
How to setup ROOT outside of a CMSSW environment

Technical Documentation 
Benchmark reports, installation of CVMFS, tips etc.

Tools and FAQ 
Commands to manage HDFS data and other FAQs.


CPU Utilization

Raw Storage Use

Raw Storage Use