
Research Interests

Graduate Research

Undergraduate Research


Quantum Movies

Class Info


Levitated Nanoparticles

This project was initiated because of experiments at Purdue performed in Tongcang Li's laboratory. One of their series of experiments focusses on the spin-optomechanics of levitated nanoparticles. We have been exploring how to simulate this system at the classical level (when the nanoparticle is hot enough to ignore quantum effects) and at the quantum level (where we have to understand the role of decoherence from various sources and feedback from measurements).

This is an image from Prof. Li's web page giving a schematic for how the experiments are performed. An asymmetric dialectric is bound to the focus of a laser beam. The nanoparticle's torque is such that the direction of the long axis is along the laser polarization giving a librational motion when the nanoparticle is not hot.

Thai M. Hoang, Yue Ma, Jonghoon Ahn, Jaehoon Bang, F. Robicheaux, Zhang-Qi Yin, and Tongcang Li, "Torsional Optomechanics of a Levitated Nonspherical Nanoparticle," Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 123604 (2016). PDF (810 kB) News and commentary

This paper presented the first experimental results investigating the torsional vibrational motion of an asymmetric nanoparticle levitated in a laser beam. The librational motion occurs because the polarizability of an asymmetric nanoparticle can be much longer along its large axis than its short axis. This leads to a restoring torque that can give vibrational frequencies in the MHz regime

This image shows the different oscillating motion and their dependence on the laser power. The left image shows the librational motion can be much larger than the vibrations of the center of mass of the nanoparticle. This is important for applications to sensitive torque measurements and to trying to reach the quantum mechanical ground state (the energy steps are larger when the frequency is higher).

T. Seberson and F. Robicheaux, "Parametric feedback cooling of rigid body nanodumbbells in levitated optomechanics," Phys. Rev. A 99, 013821 (2019). PDF (822 kB)

We had performed calculations of cooling of simply vibrating motions. This paper was the first to investigate the cooling of a nanoparticle where the rotations about all of the axis are important. We found that the rotation about the symmetry axis qualitatively affects the possibility for cooling all of the librational motions. We also found that this rotation leads to equations of motion identical to a charged particle in a 2D harmonic oscillator plus a constant magnetic field.

This image shows a schematic of the rotating nanoparticle and how the solid body axis are defined.

This image shows the direction of the symmetry axis for one trajectory. The left plot shows the coupled librational motion started from a thermal distribution of velocities and rotations. The right plot is after cooling. Because of the rotation about the symmetry axis, only one of the normal modes can be fully cooled!

Five Other Recent Publications

Jaehoon Bang, T. Seberson, Peng Ju, Jonghoon Ahn, Zhujing Xu, Xingyu Gao, F. Robicheaux, and Tongcang Li, "Five-dimensional cooling and nonlinear dynamics of an optically levitated nanodumbbell," Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043054 (2020). PDF (1140 kB)

T. Seberson and F. Robicheaux, "Distribution of laser shot-noise energy delivered to a levitated nanoparticle," Phys. Rev. A 102, 033505 (2020). PDF (953 kB)

Changchun Zhong and F. Robicheaux, "Shot-noise-dominant regime for ellipsoidal nanoparticles in a linearly polarized beam," Phys. Rev. A 95, 053421 (2017). PDF (934 kB)

F. Robicheaux, "Comment on "Matter-Wave Interferometry of a Levitated Thermal Nano-Oscillator Induced and Probed by a Spin"," Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 108901 (2017). PDF (58 kB)

Changchun Zhong and F. Robicheaux, "Decoherence of rotational degrees of freedom," Phys. Rev. A 94, 052109 (2016). PDF (1220 kB)

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525 Northwestern Avenue
West Lafayette, IN 47907


Phyics Department

Purdue University

ALPHA Project