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Collective photon-atom interactions

Atoms can strongly interact with photons when light is resonant (or nearly so) with dipole allowed transition. Because the field from the photon transition decays like 1/distance from the source, atoms separated by distances comparable to the photon wavelength can strongly interact. The formalism for the interaction of atoms through the photon field has been well known for many decades. In recent years, there is renewed interest because of experimental cases where the interaction is strong enough to lead to collective behavior. These systems are distinct from those for Rydberg-Rydberg interaction because the atoms interact through the retarded electromagnetic field while the Rydberg gases interact through the near-field (electrostatic) interaction.

We study this system for its fundamental novel collective behavior and for its impact on properties of quantum computers and simulators. We have studied several aspects of how the collective interaction can change the lifetime of excited states through superradiance and subradiance effects. We have studied how the photon interaction with a group of atoms leads to a specific atom to recoil and how this can lead to decoherence in quantum simulators. We have also studied how an inverted (or nearly inverted) gas decays by photon emission depending on the properties of the states that the excited state can decay into.

Below is a brief description of results in two recent publications.

Deepak A. Suresh and F. Robicheaux, “Photon-induced atom recoil in collectively interacting planar arrays,” Phys. Rev. A 103, 043722 (2021). PDF (655 kB) (data for figures at https://doi.org/10.4231/HHNZ-SP39)

In this paper, we studied how atoms in an array recoil due to the emission or absorption of a photon. This is an important question because an atom that recoils can have its center-of-mass motion entangle with internal degrees of freedom which leads to unwanted decoherence in the operation of quantum simulators or computers. This is not a simple question because a photon can distribute the recoil over many atoms. We also found cases where a single photon could lead to 1000X the expected recoil energy deposited into a single atom. Also, the interference between the incident and scattered photon field can lead to nontrivial patterns of energy deposition in the array.

The left image shows the electric field for a proposed cavity composed of atoms on a grid; the bright spots are the positions of the atoms which enhance the intensity in their neighborhood. The proposal did not account for the possible recoil of the atoms in the array. The right image shows the recoil energy for an  example cavity. Note that the center atom gains approximately 1000 recoil energies before the photon is lost from the cavity. This high recoil results from the photon bouncing many times between the mirrors constructed from the atom arrays.

These images are for light perpendicularly incident on an 11X11 array of atoms. The left plot shows the probability for each atom in the array to be excited by the photon. The right plot shows the amount of recoil energy deposited into each atom per photon incident on that atom. Although each photon can only interact once with the array, many of the atoms gain more than 2 recoil energies. Also, there is a highly nontrivial pattern of energy deposition which roughly matches the pattern of excitation of the array.

F. Robicheaux and R.T. Sutherland, “Photon scattering from a cold, Gaussian atom cloud,” Phys. Rev. A 101, 013805 (2020). PDF (1130 kB)

In this paper, we study a weak laser interacting with a cloud of atoms and how the atoms can scatter, focus, or defocus the light beam. Since atoms are typically very diffuse, researchers often neglected the ability of the atoms to change the light beam. We devised a computational method to treat cases with over 100,000 atoms which is 10X more than any previous calculation.

This image shows a 2D slice of the magnitude of the electric field of the light times the Gaussian density of atoms. The atom cloud is centered at the origin and the light is travelling toward +z. The optical depth of the cloud, through its center, is 64 meaning that the light should only be able to penetrate a short distance through the cloud. This is seen in the left image where the light is on resonance with the transition. The largest value of |E| times density is where the density is quite small but very little of the light has been scattered out of the beam. The right image is when the light is red detuned and shows a counterintuitive effect. There is more light behind the peak density of the atom cloud. This is because for red detuning the cloud focuses the light into the atom cloud. This scattering or focussing effect can strongly affect the interpretation of experiments and undermine quantum simulators.

Five Recent Publications

F. Robicheaux and Deepak A. Suresh, “Beyond lowest order mean-field theory for light interacting with atom arrays,” Phys. Rev. A 104, 023702 (2021). PDF (519 kB) (data for figures at https://doi.org/10.4231/YWCS-A844)

E. Kur, F. Robicheaux, N. Evetts, J. Fajans, A. Guerra IV, W.N. Hardy, E.D. Hunter, Z.T. Schroeder, and J.S. Wurtele, "Computational and theoretical analysis of electron plasma cooling by resonant interaction with a microwave cavity," Phys. Plasmas 27, 082101 (2020).  PDF (1290 kB)

F. Robicheaux and Shihua Huang, "Atom recoil during coherent light scattering from many atoms," Phys. Rev. A 99, 013410 (2019). PDF (603 kB)

R.T. Sutherland and F. Robicheaux, "Superradiance in inverted multilevel atomic clouds," Phys. Rev. A 95, 033839 (2017). PDF (850 kB)  Erratum

R.T. Sutherland and F. Robicheaux, "Collective dipole-dipole interactions in an atomic array," Phys. Rev. A 94, 013847 (2016). PDF (815 kB)

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+1 765 494 3029 (Office)
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Department of Physics
525 Northwestern Avenue
West Lafayette, IN 47907


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Purdue University

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