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10/23:  Soham just had two papers accepted for publication in ApJ:

SPROUT: A moving mesh hydro code using a uniformly expanding Cartesian grid

A 3D Numerical Study of Anisotropies in Supernova Remnants


1/24:  Paul just launched a podcast:


4/24:  Soham successfully defended his thesis!  Congratulations Dr. Mandal!


4/24:  Our research group was honored with several prestigious awards!

Congratulations to Dillon Hasenour, who has been awarded
"George W. Tautfest Award for Outstanding Graduate Student in High Energy, Nuclear, or Astrophysics"

Congratulations to Rana Dastidar, who has been awarded
"Edward S. Akeley Award for Outstanding student in Theoretical Physics"

In addition, Paul was honored with two awards from Purdue's Physics Graduate Student Association:
"Excellence in Graduate Advising", and
"Spira Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching"


4/24:  Rana has passed his preliminary defense!  Congratulations Rana!


8/24:  Everyone did an amazing job at the Rise_Time conference at Purdue!  Soham and Rana both gave excellent talks, and Dillon and Miranda gave very impressive poster presentations!


Welcome to the Duffell research group website! We are a theoretical astrophysics group specializing in computational fluid dynamics. We study stars, planets, disks, jets, supernovae, black hole accretion, and more!