Refereed Journal Publications:

  1. A test of scaling near the bond percolation threshold
    (H. Nakanishi and H.E. Stanley), J. Phys. A 11, L189-197 (1978).
  2. Site-bond percolation by position-space renormalization group
    (H. Nakanishi and P.J. Reynolds), Phys. Lett. 71A, 252-254 (1979).
  3. Scaling studies of percolation phenomena in systems of dimensionality two to seven: I. Cluster numbers
    (H. Nakanishi and H.E. Stanley), Phys. Rev. B 22, 2466-2488 (1980).
  4. Scaling studies of percolation phenomena in systems of dimensionality two to seven: II. Equation of state
    (H. Nakanishi and H.E. Stanley), J. Phys. A 14, 693-720 (1981).
  5. Anisotropic bond percolation by position-space renormalization group
    (H. Nakanishi, P.J. Reynolds, and S. Redner), J. Phys. A 14, 855-871 (1981).
  6. Lower-dimensional defect transitions in self-avoiding walks and percolation
    (H. Nakanishi), J. Phys. A 14, L355-362 (1981).
  7. Scaling theory for the criticality of fluids between plates
    (M.E. Fisher and H. Nakanishi), J. Chem. Phys. 75, 5857-5863 (1981).
  8. A scaling picture of a single chain polymer in the dense phase
    (H. Nakanishi and S. Redner), Phys. Lett. 88A, 67-69 (1982).
  9. Multicriticality of wetting, prewetting, and surface transitions
    (H. Nakanishi and M.E. Fisher), Phys. Rev. Lett. 49, 1565-1568 (1982).
  10. Critical phenomena in fluid films: critical-temperature-shifts
    (H. Nakanishi and M.E. Fisher), J. Phys. C 16, L95-97 (1983).
  11. Critical point shifts in films
    (H. Nakanishi and M.E. Fisher), J. Chem. Phys. 78, 3279-3293 (1983).
  12. Surface spinodals and extended wetting in fluids and polymer solutions
    (H. Nakanishi and P. Pincus), J. Chem. Phys. 79, 997-1003 (1983).
  13. Cell renormalisation of growth processes: 'True' self-avoiding walks and growing animals
    (H. Nakanishi and F. Family), J. Phys. A 17, 427-433 (1984).
  14. Branched Polymer approach to the structure of lattice animals and percolation clusters
    (S. Alexander, G.S. Grest, H. Nakanishi, and T.A. Witten, Jr.), J. Phys. A 17, L185-190 (1984).
  15. Large-cell renormalisation and systems of dimensionality larger than the upper marginal dimension
    (H. Nakanishi), J. Phys. A 17, L329-333 (1984).
  16. Monte Carlo and series study of corrections to scaling in two-dimensional percolation
    (A. Margolina, H. Nakanishi, D. Stauffer, and H.E. Stanley), J. Phys. A 17, 1683-1701 (1984).
  17. Large-cell Monte Carlo renormalization of irreversible growth processes
    (H. Nakanishi and F. Family), 79-82, Proc. of the International Topical Conference on the Kinetics of Aggregation and Gelation, eds., D.P. Landau and F. Family, North-Holland (1984).
  18. Scaling in biased random walks
    (J.W. Halley, H. Nakanishi, and R. Sundararajan), Phys. Rev. B 31, 293-298 (1985).
  19. Node-avoiding Lévy flight: a numerical test of the tex2html_wrap_inline151 expansion
    (J.W. Halley and H. Nakanishi), Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 551-554 (1985).
  20. Some remarks on diffusion on fractals
    (H. Nakanishi), in Surfaces and Disorder ed. J. W. Halley, Materials Science Forum 4, 129-143 (1985). Also reprinted as Diffusion and Defect Data 42, 41-56 (1985).
  21. Large-cell Monte Carlo renormalization of irreversible growth processes
    (H. Nakanishi and F. Family), Phys. Rev. A 32, 3606-3617 (1985).
  22. An optimized phenomenological renormalization group for geometrical models: applications to diffusion-limited aggregation
    (J. L. Montag, F. Family, T. Vicsek, and H. Nakanishi), Phys. Rev. A 32, 2557-2559 (1985).
  23. Crossover scaling in biased self-avoiding walks
    (S. B. Lee and H. Nakanishi), Phys. Rev. B 33, 1953-1962 (1986).
  24. Superuniversality of acceleration correlations for random walks on fractals
    (H. Nakanishi, Y. Meir, Y. Gefen, A. Aharony, and P. Schofield), J. Phys. A 20, L153-158 (1987).
  25. Cell renormalization study of biased self-avoiding walks
    (S. B. Lee and H. Nakanishi), J. Phys. A 20, L457-464 (1987).
  26. Flory approach for polymers in the stiff limit
    (H. Nakanishi), J. de Physique (Paris) 48, 979-984 (1987).
  27. A new spin model for the biased self-avoiding walk
    (D. Atkatz, G. ten Brinke, J. W. Halley, and H. Nakanishi), Phys. Rev. B 36, 5500-5506 (1987).
  28. Critical behavior of AB-percolation in two dimensions
    (H. Nakanishi), J. Phys. A 20, 6075-6083 (1987).
  29. Self-avoiding Lévy flights in one dimension
    (S. B. Lee, H. Nakanishi, and B. Derrida), Phys. Rev. A 36, 5059-5067 (1987).
  30. Monomer concentration profile in the depletion region
    (H. Nakanishi and S. B. Lee), J. de Physique 49, 1295-1300 (1988).
  31. Self-avoiding walks on randomly diluted lattice
    (S. B. Lee and H. Nakanishi), Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 2022-2025 (1988).
  32. Monte Carlo study of self-avoiding walks on a critical percolation cluster
    (S. B. Lee, H. Nakanishi, and Y. Kim), Phys. Rev. B 39, 9561-9572 (1989).
  33. Self-avoiding Lévy flights at upper marginal dimensions
    (J. Moon and H. Nakanishi), Phys. Rev. A 40, 1063-1072 (1989).
  34. Prewetting transition in supercritical Argon
    (G. Ascarelli and H. Nakanishi), J. de Physique (Paris) 51, 341-354 (1990).
  35. Auto-correlation functions for discrete random walks on disordered lattice
    (D. Jacobs and H. Nakanishi), Phys. Rev. A 41, 706-719 (1990).
  36. Scaling at the rod-to-flexible chain crossover in the stiff limit
    (J. W. Halley, D. Atkatz, and H. Nakanishi), J. Phys. A 23, 3297-3306 (1990).
  37. Anomalous diffusion: A dynamic perspective
    (R. Muralidhar, D. Ramkrishna, H. Nakanishi, and D. Jacobs), Physica A 167, 539-559 (1990).
  38. Self-avoiding Lévy walk: A model for very stiff polymers
    (J. Moon and H. Nakanishi), Phys. Rev. A 42, 3221-3224 (1990).
  39. Eigenvalue spectrum of hopping transport on critical percolation clusters
    (N. H. Fuchs and H. Nakanishi), Phys. Rev. A 43, 1721-1726 (1991).
  40. Exact enumeration study of self-avoiding walks on two-dimensional percolation clusters
    (H. Nakanishi and S. B. Lee), J. Phys. A 24, 1355-1361 (1991).
  41. Diffusion on two-dimensional percolation clusters: Influence of cluster anisotropy
    (R. Muralidhar, D. Jacobs, D. Ramkrishna and H. Nakanishi), Phys. Rev. A 43, 6503-6517 (1991).
  42. Onset of excluded-volume effect for the statistics of stiff chains
    (Jangnyeol Moon and Hisao Nakanishi), Phys. Rev. A 44, 6427-6442 (1991).
  43. Ideal chain on two-dimensional critical percolation cluster
    (A. Giacometti, Hisao Nakanishi, A. Maritan and N. H. Fuchs), J. Phys. A 25, L461-468 (1992).
  44. A precise determination of the backbone fractal dimension on two-dimensional percolation clusters
    (M. D. Rintoul and H. Nakanishi), J. Phys. A 25, L945-948 (1992).
  45. Self-avoiding walk on critical percolation cluster
    (H. Nakanishi and J. Moon), Physica A 191, 309-312 (1992).
  46. Random Walks on Random Systems: Eigenspectrum of Large Markov Matrices
    (H. Nakanishi, S. Mukherjee and N. H. Fuchs), Phys. Rev. E. 47, R1463 (1993).
  47. Fractal Properties of the Distribution of Earthquake Hypocenters
    (H. Nakanishi, M. Sahimi, M. C. Robertson, C. Sammis, and M. D. Rintoul), J. de Physique I 3, 733 (1993).
  48. Effect of loops on the vibrational spectrum of percolation network
    (H. Nakanishi), Physica A 196 33-41 (1993).
  49. Diffusion and spectral dimension on Eden tree
    (H. Nakanishi and H. J. Herrmann), J. Phys. A 26, 4513-4519 (1993).
  50. A persistent random walk model for the frequency-dependent electrical conductivity
    (D. J. Jacobs and H. Nakanishi), Physica A 197, 204-222 (1993).
  51. A new finite-size scaling approach to random walks
    (A. Giacometti and H. Nakanishi), J. Phys. A 27, 2277-2288 (1994).
  52. Statistics of self-avoiding walks on randomly diluted lattices
    (M. D. Rintoul, J. Moon, and H. Nakanishi), Phys. Rev. E 49, 2790-2803 (1994).
  53. Statistical mechanics of random paths on disordered lattices
    (A. Giacometti, A. Maritan, and H. Nakanishi), J. Stat. Phys. 75, 669 (1994).
  54. Markov chain analysis of random walks in didordered media
    (S. Mukherjee, H. Nakanishi, and N. H. Fuchs), Phys. Rev. E 49, 5032-5045 (1994).
  55. Diffusion on a DLA cluster in two and three dimensions
    (D. J. Jacobs, S. Mukherjee, and H. Nakanishi), J. Phys. A 27, 4341-4350 (1994).
  56. A precise characterization of three dimensional percolating backbones
    (M. D. Rintoul and H. Nakanishi), J. Phys. A 27, 5445-5454 (1994).
  57. Eigenspectrum and localization for diffusion with traps
    (A. Giacometti and H. Nakanishi), Phys. Rev. E 50, 1093-1099 (1994), and Phys. Rev. E 51, 6328E (1995).
  58. On the Effectiveness of Superconcurrent Computations on Heterogeneous Networks
    (H. Nakanishi, V. Rego, and V. Sunderam), J. Par. Dist. Computing 24, 177-190 (1995).
  59. Diffusion on loopless critical percolation cluter
    (S. Mukherjee, D. J. Jacobs and H. Nakanishi), J. Phys. A 28, 291-296 (1995).
  60. Scaling of the slowest mode for Brownian dynamics on disordered substrate
    (H. Nakanishi and S. Mukherjee), in Coherent Approaches to Fluctuations, Proceedings of the Hayashibara Forum '95, eds. M. Suzuki and N. Kawashima, World Scientific (1995), p.204-207.
  61. Simple Models for Fragmentation
    (G. Hernández, H.J. Herrman, and H. Nakanishi), in Instabilities and Nonequilibrium Structures V, vol.1 in series Nonlinear Phenomena and Complex Systems, eds. E. Tirapegui and W. Zeller, Springer (1996), p.313-326.
  62. Diffusion with critically correlated traps and the slow relaxation of the longest-wavelength mode
    (S. Mukherjee and H. Nakanishi), Phys. Rev. E 53, 1470-1474 (1996).
  63. Effect of boundary tethering on vibrational modes of fractals
    (S. Mukherjee and H. Nakanishi), Fractals 4, 273-278 (1996); reprinted in Future of Fractals, ed. S. Miyazima, World Scientific (1997).
  64. CHIP: Computerized Homework in Physics
    (V. K. Saxena, H. Nakanishi, D. Elmore, E. Shibata, and D. Bortoletto), in Using Technology to Enhance Learning: How Does It Change What Faculty Do?, ed. Indiana Partnership for Statewide Education, published by Indiana Higher Education Telecommunication System (1998).
  65. Markov matrix analysis of random walks in disordered continuous media
    (S. B. Lee and H. Nakanishi), Physica A 269, 378-394 (1999).
  66. Geometry of fully-coordinated, two-dimensional percolatoin
    (E. Cuansing, J. H. Kim, and H. Nakanishi), Phys. Rev. E 60, 3670 (1999).
  67. Finite size analysis of eigenvalue spectrum for random walks on a critical percolation cluster in four dimensions
    (S. B. Lee and H. Nakanishi), J. Phys. A 33, 2943-2950 (2000).
  68. Scaling for vibrational modes of fractals tethered at the boundaries
    (S. Mukherjee and H. Nakanishi), Physica A 294, 123-138 (2001).
  69. Iterated Fully Coordinated Percolationon a Square Lattic
    (E. Cuansing and H. Nakanishi), J. Stat. Physics 105, 659-675 (2001).
  70. Structure and Diffusion Time Scales of Disordered Clusters
    (E. Cuansing and H. Nakanishi), Physica A 322, 1 (2003).
  71. Quantum interference effects in particle transport through square lattices
    (E. Cuansing and H. Nakanishi), Phys. Rev. E 70, 066142 (2004).
  72. Modeling Gaussian-to-self-avoiding-walk crossover for stiff chain polymers
    (Md. F. Islam and H. Nakanishi), Phys. Rev. E 74, 051107 (2006).
  73. Quantum transport in randomly diluted quantum percolation clusters in two dimensions
    (E. Cuansing and H. Nakanishi), Physica A 387, 806 (2008).
  74. Localization-delocalization transition in a two-dimensional quantum percolation model
    (Md. F. Islam and H. Nakanishi), Phys. Rev. E 77, 061109 (2008).
  75. The effect of local phases of wave function on transmission of a quantum particle through two dimensional clusters
    (Md. F. Islam and H. Nakanishi), Eur. Phys. J. B 65, 555-564 (2008).
  76. Dynamical method for studying localization-delocalization transition in two dimensional percolating systems
    (Md. F. Islam and H. Nakanishi), Eur. Phys. J. B 68, 123-131 (2009).
  77. Localization phase diagram of two-dimensional quantum percolation
    (B. Dillon and H. Nakanishi), Eur. Phys. J. B 87 286 (2014).
  78. Two-dimensional quantum percolation with binary nonzero hopping integrals
    (B. Dillon Thomas and H. Nakanishi), Phys. Rev. E 94 042141 (2016).

Book Chapters:

  1. Critical phenomena: past, present, and 'future'
    (H.E. Stanley, A. Coniglio, W. Klein, H. Nakanishi, S. Redner, P.J. Reynolds, and G. Shlifer), in Dynamics of Synergetic Systems, ed. H. Haken, Springer-Verlag (1980). Also translation in Russian.
  2. Anomalous Diffusion in Disordered Clusters in On Clusters and Clustering: From Atoms to Fractals, ed. P. J. Reynolds, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (1993).
  3. Random and self-avoiding walks in disordered media
    (H. Nakanishi), in Annual Reviews of Computational Physics Vol.I, Ed. D. Stauffer (World Scientific, Singapore, 1994).
  4. Quantum Percolation in Two Dimensions
    (H. Nakanishi and Md. F. Islam), Quantum and Semi-classical Percolation and Breakdown, Eds. Sen, Bardhan, and Chakrabarti, Springer Lecture Notes in Physics, to be published (2009).


  1. Computational Physics, 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-13-146990-8) (Nicholas J. Giordano and Hisao Nakanishi), Pearson Prentice Hall (2005).