Gender Minorities in Physics student organization
We are an organization within the Department of Physics & Astronomy. We strive to bring people interested in physics together and bridge strong connections through sharing our experiences in the department over the years. Our mission is to provide an open and comfortable environment for our members to have a wonderful experience while completing their degree and promote gender diversity within the major. By counteracting isolation, we aim to build a safe community for all students to learn physics!
Throughout the semester, we have monthly general meetings in which we discuss existing issues related to our members as physics majors and generate ideas for actions we can take to make improvements and adjustments not only for the current students but more importantly, for the future members. Moreover, we plan activities outside of general meetings as a way to bond and catch up with each other. Over the past semesters, we have hosted events such as pumpkin painting for Halloween and get-togethers after midterm seasons as a way of relaxation. Every year, our members also attend the Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP) at different universities as a way to meet and communicate with more students like us!
Everyone is welcome at our meetings and participate in our events. We often collaborate with other clubs and organizations within the department such as Society of Physics Students (SPS) and Purdue Astronomy Club (PAC) to maximize our opportunities to interact with other students. We encourage anyone who is interested in joining Gender Minorities in Physics to contact us.