
Unbumped pixels are red, dead are black, noisy are yellow, and undecoded are blue
PlaquettePositionPurdue MapFNAL Plaq. MapFNAL Panel Map

Panel assembly comments
RV - The lower left corner of the 1x5 plaquette had the VHDI loose, not firmly attached to the silicon substrate. A drop of epoxy was applied (04/16/07) and the VHDI is now firmly attached to the silicon substrate. RV/SM (4June07)- This panel had one wire bond (HV on 2x4) damage while mounting on half-disk. So RV fixed it and we did an IV curve again. The IV curve is done at +20C and is saved in root file P_1x5R_028_C_PanelRun3_v_2_8_0_IV_20C.root on fpixserv. he plot is also in elog entry #3897

Overall panel grade: A