course name: PHYS 570D Introduction to Plasma Physics
lecturer: MAXIM LYUTIKOV, PHYS 324
auditorium: PHYS 110
time: T-Th 12:00-1:15
Course content:

Graduate level course. Basic physics knowledge (mechanics, E&M, statistical physics) is assumed, though relevant reviews will be given


Problem set: 30%
Midterm: 30%
Final exam: 40%
Bonus: 25 min presentation on your/suggested topic

Midterm & Final Exams:

No printed matter allowed in the class, any hand written notes are allowed.

Problem sets: ~ Every week

Collaboration policy: Discussion is encouraged, copying discouraged. If a problem has been solved in a very close collaboration with someone, please state it openly.


-Introduction to Plasma Physics by Paul Bellan
-Plasma Physics: An Introduction to the Theory of Astrophysical, Geophysical and Laboratory Plasmas by Peter Sturrock
-Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion by Francis F. Chen
All books have been put on reserve in the physics Library.

Useful Links:
MIT online course
U of Texas Plasma Course
Another U of Texas Plasma Course
Plasma Notes by Gedalin




Problem Sets and Solutions:

Problem set 1 - solution

Problem set 2- solution

Problem set 3 - solution

Problem set 4 -solution

Problem set 5 - solutions

Problem set 6 - solution

Problem set 7 -solution

Problem set 8 - solution

Problem set 9 - solution