In-vivo absorption of aluminum-containing vaccine adjuvants using 26Al

R.E. Flarend, S.L. Hem, J.L. White, D. Elmore, M.A. Suckow, A.C. Rudy, E.A. Dandashli

Vaccine 15 (1997) 1314-1318

Aluminum hydroxide (AH) and aluminum phosphate (AP) adjuvants, labeled with 26Al, were injected intramuscularly (IM) in New Zealand White rabbits. Blood and urine samples were collected for 28 days and analyzed for 26Al using accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) to determine the absorption and elimination of AH and AP adjuvants. 26Al was present in the first blood sample (1 hr) for both adjuvants. The area under the blood level curve for 28 days indicates that 3.0 times more aluminum was absorbed from AP adjuvant than AH adjuvant. The distribution profile of aluminum to tissues was the same for both adjuvants (kidney>spleen>liver>heart>lymph node>brain). This study has demonstrated that in-vivo mechanisms are available to eliminate aluminum-containing adjuvants following IM administration. In addition, the pharmacokinetic profiles of AH and AP adjuvants are different.