
You will work together in small groups on the experiments. Please utilize video conferencing software (Purdue's WebEx or Zoom are preferred) to work with your lab groups. You may use Purdue's Office 365 link to install Microsoft Word ( and utilize Microsoft OneDrive to collaborate on your documents. Once you have Office 365 installed you can use the Word Online service to collaborate on the document in real time ( making sure to log in with your Purdue ID and password (not BoilerLink protected).

There are five labs, four of them lasting 3 weeks, one lasting 2 weeks. At the end of each experiment you will work in the lab to finish a laboratory report. There will be pre-readings for some experiments, below.

The expectations for a lab report, which form the grading rubric, are here.

Lab Schedule and Content
Lab Topic Pre-Lab Reading / Videos
Week 1
Lab Orientation ImageJ Download Instructions for Students
Week 2 Lab 6a: Modeling Fluid Flow Viscosity / Video 1 2 3 4
Week 3 Lab 6b: Modeling Fluid Flow
Week 4

Lab 10a: Analyzing light spectra and exploring implications for living systems 1 2

Color and Light

Week 5

Lab 10b: Analyzing light spectra and exploring implications for living systems 1 2

Week 6
Lab 10c: Analyzing light spectra and exploring implications for living systems 1 2
Week 7

Lab 9a: Geometric optics

Three Models of Light
Week 8

Lab 9b: Geometric optics

Week 9

Lab 9c: Geometric optics 

Week 10
Lab 7a: Analyzing electric forces in a fluid  Electrokinetics and Colloid Behavior & The Double Layer
Week 11
Lab 7b: Analyzing electric forces in a fluid
Week 12
Lab 7c: Analyzing electric forces in a fluid
Week 13

Lab 8a: Modeling signal transmission along nerve axons

Week 14

Lab 8b: Modeling signal transmission along nerve axons

Week 15

Lab 8c: Modeling signal transmission along nerve axons

Week 16
Finals Week

Last Updated: Jan 16, 2021 8:30 PM