Plaquettes SUMMARY plots

Summary document compiled on 03/22/2007 in microsoft Word format and also pdf format

List of plots

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Plot showing the absolute number of plaquettes built so far that are B, C or either B or C.

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Plot showing the percentage of plaquettes built so far that are B, C or either B or C.

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Plot showing the absolute number of plaquettes built so far with IZM BBMs that are B, C or either B or C.

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Plot showing the percentage of plaquettes built so far with IZM BBMs that are B, C or either B or C.

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Plot showing the absolute number of plaquettes built so far with RTI BBMs that are B, C or either B or C.

[IMAGE] of

Plot showing the percentage of plaquettes built so far with RTI BBMs that are B, C or either B or C.

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Plot showing the absolute number of plaquettes built so far that are C, it also shows the component due to the various reasons.

[IMAGE] of

Plot showing the absolute number of plaquettes built so far with IZM BBMs that are C, it also shows the component due to the various reasons.

[IMAGE] of

Plot showing the absolute number of plaquettes built so far that are either B or C , it also shows the component due to the various reasons.

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Plot showing the percentage of plaquettes built so far that are either B or C due to the sensor, it also shows the component due to the various vendor.

[IMAGE] of

Plot showing the absolute number of plaquettes built so far with RTI BBMs that are C, it also shows the component due to the various reasons.

[IMAGE] of

Plot showing the percentage of plaquettes built so far that are C, it also shows the component due to the various reasons.

[IMAGE] of

Plot showing the percentage of plaquettes built so far with RTI BBMs that are C, it also shows the component due to the various reasons.

[IMAGE] of

Plot showing the percentage of plaquettes built so far with IZM BBMs that are C, it also shows the component due to the various reasons.

[IMAGE] of

Plot showing the absolute number of plaquettes built so far that are B, it also shows the component due to the various reasons.

[IMAGE] of

Plot showing the absolute number of plaquettes built so far with IZM BBMs that are B, it also shows the component due to the various reasons.

[IMAGE] of

Plot showing the absolute number of plaquettes built so far with RTI BBMs that are B, it also shows the component due to the various reasons.

[IMAGE] of

Plot showing the percentage of plaquettes built so far that are B, it also shows the component due to the various reasons.

[IMAGE] of

Plot showing the percentage of plaquettes built so far with RTI BBMs that are B, it also shows the component due to the various reasons.

[IMAGE] of

Plot showing the percentage of plaquettes built so far with IZM BBMs that are B, it also shows the component due to the various reasons.

[IMAGE] of

Plot showing the percentage of plaquettes built so far with that are either B or C , it also shows the partials for each geometry.

[IMAGE] of

Plot showing the percentage of plaquettes built so far with that are either B or C (the statistic due to the IZM problem and the RTI PADs problem has been removed), it also shows the partials for each geometry. This is probably a better plot to carry out an yield for forecasts